
RPI Group Tanks Again!

The 24th National Tanks Conference & Expo in Phoenix, Arizona is almost here and the RPI Group is excited to be in Phoenix!

We’ll be there with case studies and more information about the safe, effective, and predictable Trap and Treat® approach…the permanent in situ remediation solution that over 95% of customers use again and again. Even better, RPI Group members will be speaking on various topics at the conference, which takes place at the Phoenix Sheraton Downtown Hotel from September 14 – 16.

Stop by and see us at Booth 24…we look forward to seeing you!




Carbon-Based Injections: Finding Our Way in the Dark

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 1:00 PM-2:30 PM

Neal Farrar, Principal – Geologist, Sunbelt Environmental Service

Edward Winner, Branch Manager – UST, Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection

Tom Fox, Environmental Protection Specialist – Colorado Department of Labor and Employment


Site Characterization – Hi-Resolution Tools and Environmental Forensics

Tuesday, September 15, 2015 10:00 AM-11:30 AM

Roger Lamb, Columbia Technologies

John Fontana, President & CEO – Vista GeoScience

Joseph Berlin, President = BLDI Environmental Engineers

Poster Presentations:
Michael Albright, Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection – Poster Presenter
Bill Brab, AST Environmental – Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Karst Terrain – Conceptual Site Model Development and In-Situ Remediation Implementation