2 Plumes, 8 PRBs and 1 Very Happy Client!

Month after month, year after year, I never tire of reporting RPI Group remediation success stories. This month’s “pretty cool” success story belongs to our good friends at ISOTEC, an RPI Group Approved Installer.

Some three years ago, ISOTEC was approached by one of their many loyal environmental consultant clients to provide their thoughts on solving a complicated remediation challenge. The challenge was cleaning up two neighboring PCE/TCE plumes all at the same time. Plume #1 originated from a former plating operation, and plume #2 evolved from a former military firing range. Due to strict regulatory drinking water criteria, highly permeable soils, and regulatory insistence to do something “fast”, ISOTEC chose to use CAT 100 injections in a multiple PRB (permeable reactive barrier) configuration. I’ll be darned if that didn’t work great!

Reductions of PCE & TCE were immediately realized within weeks of injections of CAT 100. After 6 months, PCE/TCE contamination was reduced by more than an order of magnitude. Almost 3 years post injection, 15 of 16 compliance wells were below federal MCLs for PCE/TCE and all daughter products. Shucks, who does that? Click here to see how ISOTEC and the RPI Group support team did it.

Many thanks go out to Paul Dombrowski and his ISOTEC team. Once people figure out the that the RPI Group Approach works, good things can and do happen. It certainly did here.

Kind Regards,

Bob Elliott
Remediation Products, Inc.

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