2023 Remediation Products Webinar and Conference Schedule
Q3 Upcoming Webinar Sessions and Conferences
Browse upcoming remediation products webinar sessions and upcoming conferences that RPI Group will be attending.
- AIPG 60th Anniversary Conference – September 16-19, 2023
- Significant Return on Investment Achieved by Successfully Remediating a Challenging Chlorinated Solvent Site – Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Past Webinar Sessions and Conferences
Missed a webinar session or couldn’t make it to a conference. Watch video recordings of past webinars or view pdf materials of conference presentations.
- The Power of Synergy Chapter 1 – BOS 100 and CAT 100 – Tuesday August 22, 2023
- Treatment Trains Webinar
- Chlorinated Solvent Daughter Product Management and Expedited Remediation
- Controlling the Playground: Chlorinated Ethene Degradation and Managing Daughter Products with CAT 100
- BOS 200+ What’s New for Hydrocarbons
- High Resolution Remedial Design and Ejlskov’s ESM Modeling Tool
- Petroleum Hydrocarbon Remediation Using the qHRSC Process, BOS 200 and BOS 200+
- Trap & Treat CAT 100 – A Five Year Review
- High Resolution Site Characterization (HRSC) For Remedial Design and Evaluation
- What is Direct Interspecies Electron Transfer, & Why Do I Care? Your DIET Strategy for the New Year
- The Impact of Particle Size on Activated Carbon Based Amendments