In an industry that is often misunderstood and confusing, RPI gives a straightforward approach to remediation. With years of successful experience as our foundation, we know what works and aren’t afraid to execute. We’re fueled by pioneering technology—which is a lifestyle around here, not just a buzzword—and building rock-solid relationships with our clients. We’re on your side. And like you, we want to get the job done as quickly as possible, as efficiently as possible, with the outcome we expect: a cleaned-up site, stamped with an NFA seal of approval.


We lead the charge when it comes to innovation in remediation. Our methods are often replicated—never duplicated. Why? Because they work, plain and simple. The power of Trap & Treat® isn’t just in the bag (or drum). It’s in a three-pronged approach rooted in high-density conceptual site modeling, expert design and installation, and the most effective products on the market. We work closely with you from start to finish. We think deeply to find the most innovative, creative solutions to the biggest challenges out there. The result? A closed site.