The first part of most every year is dominated by trade shows for us. Consequently, our backlog of success stories to share via this newsletter tends to accumulate while we are promoting the platform and poster presentations at the conferences where we also exhibit. The next wave of major shows doesn’t start until September so we now can resume sharing some of the good news that is being generated by our many Trap & Treat® customers.
California is a spectacular State that we all love to visit. Whenever we are provided with the opportunity to “give back” by solving an environmental issue in California, we embrace it. Trap & Treat® BOS 200® was used to remediate petroleum hydrocarbon impacted groundwater in shallow overburden soil at a former retail gas station site in southern California. After a thorough remedial design characterization was completed, BOS 200® was surgically injected to successfully achieve the site cleanup goals. A No Further Action (NFA) was issued in April 2018. Read more here.
Many thanks to ATC Group Services, LLC for trusting RPI Group with this project and hats off to Cascade (an Approved RPI Group Installer) for a precise and successful execution of the treatment regime.