If Your PRB is Giving You Lemons – Make Lemonade!

Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs) can create bitter results when the mix of site knowledge, amendment selection, and contractor experience goes off the rails and produces, well, “lemons”.

The goal of the PRB site discussed was simply to limit off-site migration of the Contaminants of Concern (COCs) which were primarily BTEX and 1,2-DCA. Oh, and some areas of the free products were also detected.

Before RPI Group became involved at this confidential site, others had executed two separate PRB injections of colloidal activated carbon plus an oxygen releasing material. When these efforts failed to meet project objectives, a third injection event was tried, this time with sodium persulfate and, again, oxygen releasing material. When the third swing at the plate failed, RPI Group was contacted by stakeholders.

Vertex Environmental Specialized Contractors immediately performed a comprehensive Remediation Design Characterization (RDC). Soil and groundwater samples were analyzed at no charge by the RPI Group Project Support Laboratory. The knowledge gained by the RDC produced a PRB injection plan utilizing Trap & Treat® BOS 200® as the in situ amendments.

Did it work? Click here to review the project summary and enjoy a nice glass of “lemonade”.

Kind Regards,

Bob Elliott
Remediation Products, Inc.

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