The Power of Precise Remediation


Design matters in in-situ remediation. Just ask Resource Geoscience, Inc. (RGI), a Remediation Products, Inc. BOS 200® approved installer and certified Trap and Treat® Consultant. They recently demonstrated that when paired with proper injection design and precise application, BOS 200® can get the job done where others fail.

The site:  Contaminated clay site in Colorado

The contamination:  BTEX and MBTE. BTEX impacts were concentrated in three separate areas of the 2.5 acre site where petroleum dispensing infrastructure had been previously located, but MTBE impacts were more widespread and encompassed most areas of the property. 

The challenge:  After multiple pilot tests with other remediation methods, BOS 200® injection was the only method that showed any promise in treating the property’s tight clay soils. 

The solution:  With support from Remediation Products, Inc., RGI performed an injection-focused supplemental assessment to accurately delineate subsurface petroleum impacts vertically and laterally, then utilized their unique, patent-pending injection system to inject a total of 33,350 pounds of BOS 200® spread over 442 locations at the site.  Armed with the data gained from the injection-focused assessment, RGI was able to precisely target the areas that required treatment and skip the areas that did not.

The result:  Prior to the injections, soil and groundwater benzene concentrations were observed to be as high as 15 ppm and 29 ppm, respectively, and MTBE concentrations as high as 18.5 ppm were observed in groundwater.  In the two quarters since injections were completed, all chemicals of concern in the wells located within the treatment areas have been observed to be below MCLs.  More monitoring is necessary before site closure is granted, but BOS 200® appears to be doing the job where no other remediation methods could.

 Click here to learn more about RGI and their unique patent pending injection system.