It’s not often you get instant gratification. Unless you’re in this bind: a 600-gallon gasoline spill due to vandalism that threatened a local municipal pump station in Oregon. As gas made its way along a sewer line trench, it infiltrated soil and below-ground infrastructure. A lost cause, right?
Enter BB&A Environmental, an RPI Group member. After installing an interim Soil Vapor Extraction (SVE) system to alleviate high levels of gasoline vapors inside the control building, BB&A further evaluated a final cleanup approach using Trap & Treat® BOS 200® for petroleum hydrocarbon contamination within the saturated zone. Twenty-one (21) precise injections later, groundwater contamination as high as 67,000 ppb (GRO) and 13,300 ppb (benzene) was reduced dramatically (to non-detected in some areas) well below Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) targets. In other words, compliance with ODEQ targets for the site was achieved immediately following injection using BOS 200® and the Trap & Treat® approach. Click here for more specific project information.
Want to find out how Trap & Treat® can help you achieve out-of-this world results? Click here to learn more.
Bob Elliott
CEO, Remediation Products, Inc.