A Word About Competition… |
Almost three weeks ago, the RPI Group running team successfully nailed our 5th consecutive Bourbon Chase 200-mile relay race in Kentucky. Needless to say, we love to compete! Competition is the engine that drives the global economy. It’s kind of cool that a few companies are trying to imitate our products and our approach to in situ remediation – that’s probably the best endorsement we will ever get. Unfortunately, it has come to our attention that “regenerated” activated carbon has been injected into groundwater because it is considerably less expensive than the virgin carbon contained in Remediation Products, Inc.’s Trap & Treat® BOS 200® and BOS 100®. Some of these erstwhile competitors don’t even have a “treat” to go along with their potentially dangerous “trap”. In addition, some competitors have suggested that RPI Group simply treats only monitor wells and leaves extensive contamination untouched throughout the plume. Regenerated Activated Carbon Should Never Be Injected into Groundwater One of the primary uses of activated carbon is in above ground waste stream water treatment systems at factories and other facilities that generate toxic and/or carcinogenic contamination. Activated carbon used for this purpose is usually “regenerated” when the carbon becomes saturated with contaminants. The contaminant-saturated activated carbon is shipped back to the manufacturer where it is heated to a point where all organic compounds are effectively eliminated. This reactivation process will not, however, eliminate any heavy metals or other inorganic contaminants present. This is potentially a major problem if regenerated activated carbon is placed into contact with groundwater, as these inorganic contaminants may leach from the carbon into groundwater. The potential liability is real and the implications are grave. This is the reason RPI has always exclusively used the highest grades of virgin carbon in the manufacturing of its products. Performance Issues Earlier this month at a conference in California, a competitor suggested that RPI Group simply treats monitor wells, leaving extensive contamination untreated throughout the plume. RPI Group was recently involved at a site in California with a major oil company where extensive soil and hydro-punch groundwater sampling throughout the plume was completed approximately six months after installation of BOS 200®. The data from this project clearly demonstrate that impacts to groundwater and soil throughout the plume had been significantly reduced with targeted cleanup goals having been met nearly everywhere. In fact, RPI has actively addressed this very issue many times in the past and has extensive data to demonstrate product effectiveness. At numerous sites, clients have installed new monitor wells at locations initially exhibiting high levels of contamination to verify treatment. In every case, the result has confirmed the product’s effectiveness. Cost vs. Value As great and effective as BOS 100® and BOS 200® products have proven to be over the past decade, they were only a small part of our success. The RPI Group approach to in situ remediation is unprecedented in our industry and it is the real reason that RPI Group companies achieve project cleanup goals more than 90% of the time. With us, you’re not just buying a product – you’re buying a total commitment to site closure or achievement of project cleanup goals. We stand behind that commitment with free analytical support before (to verify treatment design loadings), during (to confirm installation), and after our product is installed at your site (to confirm and follow performance). Check us out at www.trapandtreat.com. Thank you,
Bob Elliott CEO, Remediation Products, Inc. |