LT Environmental, Inc. & RPI Group Celebrate Closure at High Profile Site 

It is hard to believe that RPI Group has been exceeding client remediation goals for almost 15 years.  This newsletter celebrates, perhaps, the greatest thing that my colleagues have accomplished “to date”.

This large and extremely high profile site had a combination of ubiquitous TCE contamination, varying and challenging lithology, DNAPL “surprises” and a property transfer set of clean-up criteria that bordered on the impossible (<5 ppb TCE & daughter products at the boundaries and <100 ppb within the plume).  At the end of the day (6 quarters), approximately 1,400 post-injection monitoring points registered below the MCLs or ND for TCE and degradation byproducts.   The initial target well for the pilot test had approximately 54,000 ppb of TCE .  That well came in at below the MCL (early) or ND (later) for ~12 years and now lies underneath tax-paying real estate.  Impacts elsewhere ranging up to 54,450,000 ppb in soil and 1,280,000 ppb in groundwater were rendered ND, when all was said and done.  The site was officially “closed” by the State of Colorado in late August 2016, giving their blessing at the most pristine level (unrestricted, residential use) and a 400-unit, luxury apartment complex is now under construction over the DNAPL source area.

This project was brought to RPI Group by Tom Harp, Principal at LT Environmental,   Tom was recently interviewed regarding this massive, multi-year endeavor (click HERE to see the interview).  In late August, Tom also made a presentation at the Colorado Brownfields Conference about this project (click HERE to view the presentation).  Tom can be contacted directly at  A copy of the  Determination (NAD) letter from the State of Colorado can be viewed HERE.

Other stars of this success story were Alpine Remediation (RPI Group Approved Installer since 2002), The Well Improvement Company (now a part of AST Environmental, RPI Group’s National Distributor & Training Affiliate), RPI’s Scott Noland and untold numbers of LTE personnel, not the least of which was Tom’s right hand guy, John Brown.

Speaking of stars, RPI’s Trap & Treat® BOS 100® is possibly the biggest star of all.  Taking percent-level chlorinated contamination to ND or very close to ND is not something that the average amendment really likes to do.


Bob Elliott
CEO, Remediation Products, Inc.